Schedule – Fall 2016

Schedule for the APT GG meetings and presenters for the Fall 2016. On Mondays at 18:00 in Aparaaditehas.

Do not miss out in participating in the awesome and unique presentations from our presenters! Optionally you can also bring them candy and shake their hand. 😉

Presenter Title Date
Jaanus Jaggo
Jaanus Jaggo

APT GG Introduction

Interested in making games? Find out how APT GG can help you out with that. What even is game development? What to players expect from games?

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Game Pitches

Have a great idea for a game? Make it a reality by finding interesting people to join you. Together you can achieve a lot more than alone. A team is also an excellent place to learn new skills in. Or perhaps you are looking to help someone out with their idea? In this case come and find the projects you like the most!

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Game Pitches

One game pitch wasn’t enough? Needed a one more week to think things over? Totally fine! Here is another game ideas presentation event!

Ruudi Vinter
Ruudi Vinter

How to Make Your First Game?

With every new thing the first time is always the most difficult one. Learn from an user experience expert and game tester Ruudi Vinter on how to make your game such that players remember it long after. Furthermore, do you think your first game will be bug-free? Ruudi can find bugs you didn’t even think could exist. 😉

Jaanus Jaggo
Jaanus Jaggo

How to Create a Design Document?

Documents? Is it really necessary? Find out why it is useful and often even mandatory to write things down. How to express you game idea in writing so that other people also understand. Insufficient documentation can cause even the greatest ideas to fail.

Jaanus Jaggo
Jaanus Jaggo

Graphics and Sound Asset Pipeline

You want your games to have nice graphics and memorable sound effects or music? Find out how to communicate with your sound designers and artists in order to make the asset creation progress more clear. No one wants to create the wrong assets because of miscommunication!

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Game Progress Demonstration

So how are you doing with your games? Maybe other members could have the privilege to try out your early-early alpha? Show your progress to others in order to motivate everyone and perhaps even get a reward?

Andres Kalle
Andres Kalle

Game Jam Recommendations: UX, Teamwork, …

Want to create the best game in a game jam? Two time APT GG Ludum Dare local competition winner Andres will share his thoughts in what is needed to create an awesome game within a short timeframe. Perhaps you will even learn what is similar between impro comedy and game development!

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

How and Why to Market Your Game?

Marketing is something other people beside you do, right? Wrong! Unless you have made a contract with a publishing company, marketing is something all team members contribute to a bit. You want other people to play your game, right? How do they do that, when they don’t know about it…

Jaanus Jaggo
Jaanus Jaggo

Visual Effects and Procedural Generation

Last polishes are taking too long? Learn how to make nice-looking visual effects with ease! Manually making all the assets and levels is tedious? Learn how to make the computer do all that for you! Maybe even get an inspiration for the next No Man’s Sky?

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Game Progress Demonstration

By now you have your game almost done, right? This is a perfect opportunity to let other people play it and see what do they think. Often it is hard to imagine how the players will actually play your game or what do they notice about it. Demonstrating your progress helps you keep on track!

Madis Vasser
Madis Vasser

VR Game Design

Developing games on the PC, console or mobile platforms is easy – everyone already knows what works there and what doesn’t. VR expert from UT-s CGVR Lab Madis will tell you what problems he faces when creating games for an VR platforms like HTC Vive. Adventure into the wild west of VR game design!

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Finding Investors

Ran out of food and the last month’s rent is still unpaid? Do not starve while developing your games and achieving your dreams! Investors can be a good source of support in order to help you actually get your game out the door and to the players.

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Game Progress Demonstration

Steam release closing in? Last chance in 2016 to amaze your fellow APT GG members with your cool game!

Ludum Dare 37

Ludum Dare 37

On this weekend there will be the Ludum Dare 37 game jam!
A game jam is a good place to put your skills to a test and see, what you can make in 4 days. Also a great opportunity to find new people with varying skills or get some experience with different technologies. On Monday evening there will be the final presentations and an award ceremony! So even if you do not participate, come and check out the cool games!

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Estonian Game Development Landscape

Are you aware of what other cool games have been made in Estonia? Or what companies here are actually developing games and perhaps looking people like you to hire? Get a thorough overview of the paths available for gamedev education, jobs and market!

Raul Kübarsepp
Raul Kübarsepp

Christmas Party!

Christmas is the best holiday for game developers, so many holiday sales and promotions!
Share your gamedev joy by having some snacks, watching movies or playing games (Playstation VR games for example) with your fellow APT GG members in the Christmas Party!


The next presentations will be somewhere in January… TBA